Welcome to Refugeestan

Politics/War, France 2016

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"Welcome to Refugeestan" focuses on the way the UNHCR manages camps that shelter more than sixteen million refugees all around the world, creating a virtual country as large as the Netherlands. How does the UNHCR run these camps and train its representatives ? How can they deal with the urgent needs of thousands of new refugees that arrives each day ? How has this emergency response turned into a durable situation with an average stay of over fifteen years ? What are the long term perspectives for this kind of response to humanitarian urgency, which has until now succeeded in concealing the political aspects of this major issue ? Shot in several camps all around the world - Kenya, Tanzania, Jordan, the border of Greece/Macedonia - and in the UNHCR offices in France, England and Switzerland.
72 min
Starting at 6
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Anne Poiret


Anne Poiret


Olivier Adelen

Original title:

Bienvenue au Réfugistan

Original language:



1:1.19 HD, B/W

Age rating:

Starting at 6

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